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Water Quality Monitoring


"Water Quality" is a term that embraces many things: clarity, nutrient chemical distribution, and plant life amongst its attributes. To better understand changes in our lakes over time and to identify possible threats to the lake, the Belgrade Lakes Association has developed a Long Term Water Quality Monitoring Plan that includes the following components.

  • Biweekly Monitoring of clarity (secchi depth), oxygen levels, temperature, and phosphorous levels throughout the Summer months through participation in the State-wide Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP)
  • The Volunteer Gleotrichia Observation Program, which provides data on trends in the location, duration, and severity of gloeotrichia blooms.
  • Periodic sampling of gloeotrichia and other blooms to identify the species present
  • Courtesy Boat Inspections to to prevent the introduction of invasive plants such as milfoil by boats entering the lakes via public ramps
  • Routine surveys for invasive plants through participation in Invasive Plant Patrol surveys throughout the summer.
  • Volunteer spotters to report sightings of mergansers and mergansers nests to assist with the Swimmer's Itch Program.
  • Other sampling and monitoring is done as needed to address specific concerns regarding lake water quality.

Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program

The Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP) is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting Maine’s lakes and ponds through the acquisition of scientific data, and to enhancing public awareness about the ecological, aesthetic and economic value of our lakes. The VLMP fosters stewardship of Maine’s lakes by providing credible lake data and information concerning lakes and their watersheds to the citizens of Maine and the general public. In support of this mission, the organization has established and maintains a scientifically based lake monitoring and data management system through a partnership between volunteers, collaborative partners and the technical community.

The VLMP works collaboratively with many individuals, organizations, communities, and agencies throughout Maine. We are most likely to realize our mission and goals by enhancing the efforts of others.

VLMP's high quality work was recognized by Maine's Governor in November, 2005, receiving the Governor’S Award For Environmental Excellence

The Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP) has trained volunteers and collected data for many years.

The current VLMP volunteer monitors for Great Pond and Long Pond are:

Goldie (courtesy of Colby College), Great Pond
Peter Kallin, Long Pond

These volunteers perform an enormously important service.




To protect and improve the watershed of Great Pond and Long Pond through preservation, education, and action.

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Support BLA

The Belgrade Lakes Association welcomes your contribution. Every dollar helps us to protect and preserve Great and Long Ponds, and the surrounding watershed. Donate Today.

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Phone: 207-512-5150


Belgrade Lakes Association

137 Main Street

PO Box 551

Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918




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