Become a Member of the Belgrade Lakes Association and help
"protect and preserve" our lakes.
Belgrade Lakes Association Memberships are not just for the grown-ups!
Consider what You Can Do to Protect These Lakes:
Please join the Belgrade Lakes Association today! Help us preserve the unique natural beauty of these ponds. As a member you will receive many benefits: a news-filled live website and a warm welcome to the Annual Meeting every July. In addition, members possess the priceless knowledge that they too, help protect and preserve these lovely ponds for generations to come.
Levels of Membership: $500 $250 $100 $50 $25
Select your Membership and Pay Online Here!
For Gift Memberships!
Your membership and all contributions fund:
- LakeSmart, a program to encourage shoreline owners to prevent erosion.
- Gloeotrichia observation program.
- Boat Inspections to prevent invasive plants from entering our lakes.
- Water quality monitoring
- Invasive plants patrols by trained volunteers.
- Swimmer’s itch eradication
- Education and Outreach efforts throughout the watershed and to all who use the lakes.
- Watershed planning.
- BLA Quarterly Newsletter
Our 2024 Membership Letter and Invitation to Join the Belgrade Lakes Association!
Although all current memberships include our quarterly BLA Newsletter in both paper and online versions, you can help us all out by saving a tree and mailing costs by checking "No Mail" on the form in which case you will recieve the online copy only. Thank you for your support!
We welcome your donations and contributions, whether by dues or donation. Every donor becomes a member for one calendar year, January through December. Thank you and Welcome Aboard!